Python ``service`` Package ########################## Easy Implementation of Background Services ========================================== This package makes it easy to write Unix services, i.e. background processes ("daemons") that are controlled by a foreground application (e.g. a console script). The package is built around the python-daemon_ module, which provides the means for creating well-behaved daemon processes. The ``service`` package adds a control infrastructure for easily starting, stopping, querying and killing the background process from a foreground application. .. _python-daemon: Installation ============ The ``service`` package is available from PyPI_ and can be installed via pip_:: pip install service Supported Python versions are 2.7 as well as 3.4 and later. .. _PyPI: .. _pip: Quickstart ========== :: import logging from logging.handlers import SysLogHandler import time from service import find_syslog, Service class MyService(Service): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(MyService, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.logger.addHandler(SysLogHandler(address=find_syslog(), facility=SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON)) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def run(self): while not self.got_sigterm():"I'm working...") time.sleep(5) if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) != 2: sys.exit('Syntax: %s COMMAND' % sys.argv[0]) cmd = sys.argv[1].lower() service = MyService('my_service', pid_dir='/tmp') if cmd == 'start': service.start() elif cmd == 'stop': service.stop() elif cmd == 'status': if service.is_running(): print "Service is running." else: print "Service is not running." else: sys.exit('Unknown command "%s".' % cmd) Control Interface ================= The :py:class:`~service.Service` class has a dual interface: Some methods control the daemon and are intended to be called from the controlling process while others implement the actual daemon functionality or utilities for it. The control methods are: * :py:meth:`~service.Service.start` to start the daemon * :py:meth:`~service.Service.stop` to ask the daemon to stop * :py:meth:`~service.Service.kill` to kill the daemon * :py:meth:`~service.Service.is_running` to check whether the daemon is running * :py:meth:`~service.Service.get_pid` to get the daemon's process ID * :py:meth:`~service.Service.send_signal` to send arbitrary signals to the daemon Subclasses usually do not need to override any of these. Daemon Functionality ==================== To provide the actual daemon functionality, subclasses override :py:meth:``, which is executed in a separate daemon process when :py:meth:`~service.Service.start` is called. Once :py:meth:`` exits, the daemon process stops. When :py:meth:`~service.Service.stop` is called, the SIGTERM signal is sent to the daemon process, which can check for its reception using :py:meth:`~service.Service.got_sigterm` or wait for it using :py:meth:`~service.Service.wait_for_sigterm`. Further signals to control the daemon can be specified using the ``signals`` constructor argument. These signals can then be sent to the daemon process using :py:meth:`~service.Service.send_signal`. The daemon process can use :py:meth:`~service.Service.got_signal`, :py:meth:`~service.Service.wait_for_signal`, and :py:meth:`~service.Service.clear_signal` to react to signals. Logging ======= Instances of :py:class:`~service.Service` provide a built-in logger via their :py:attr:`~service.Service.logger` attribute. By default the logger only has a :py:class:`logging.NullHandler` attached, so all messages are discarded. Attach your own handler to output log messages to files or syslog (see the handlers provided by the :py:mod:`logging` and :py:mod:`logging.handlers` modules). Any uncaught exceptions from :py:meth:`` are automatically logged via that logger. To avoid error messages during startup being lost make sure to attach your logging handlers before calling :py:meth:`~service.Service.start`. If you want use syslog for logging take a look at :py:func:`~service.find_syslog`, which provides a portable way of locating syslog. Preserving File Handles ======================= By default, all open file handles are released by the daemon process. If you need to preserve some of them add them to the :py:attr:`~service.Service.files_preserve` list attribute. Note that file handles used by any built-in Python logging handlers attached to :py:attr:`~service.Service.logger` are automatically preserved. Exiting the Service =================== From the outside, a service can be stopped gracefully by calling :py:meth:`~service.Service.stop` or, as a last resort, by calling :py:meth:`~service.Service.kill`. From the inside, i.e. from within :py:meth:``, the easiest way is to just ``return`` from the method. From version 0.5 on you can also call ``sys.exit`` and it will be handled correctly (in earlier versions that would prevent a correct clean up). Note that you should never use ``os._exit``, since that skips all clean up. API Reference ============= .. automodule:: service :members: :undoc-members: :special-members: __init__ Development =========== The code for this package can be found `on GitHub `_. It is available under the `MIT license `_. Change Log ========== See the file ` `_.